Hey everyone, I'm doing something a little different for this blog post. Instead of recapping this weeks events, I'm counting down, what are in my opinion, the top 10 entrance songs in the WWE!
When done right, an entrance song enhances the wrestler. It help to can create a huge reactions, both positive and negative, from the crowd. The best entrance songs not only define their respective wrestlers, but also define eras. They help tell the story of their respective wrestlers while also encapsulating emotion surrounding them.
Before I start with the actual list, I have three Honorable Mentions.
Booker T - “Rap Sheet”
"Can you dig it, sucka?"
You heard that question and you knew it was going down. The pop/hip-hop beat was a perfect fit for the explosive five time (say it four more times) champ and former SmackDown General Manager. Plus it was the perfect tune for the Spinarooni, which all of us at one point or another failed miserably to do.
Randy Orton - “Voices”
As I mentioned before, Randy Orton is one of my favorite wrestlers, but that's not the only reason why I included his entrance song in my Honorable Mentions. The lyrics of the Rev Theory song start out with: "I hear voices in my head \ They council to me, they understand \ They talk to me." If you listen further, you can hear: "I hear voices crying \ I see heroes dying \ I tastes blood that's drying." I don't know about you but that's a song describing a truly calculating, sadistic person and that describes Orton to a tee. Let's not forget we're talking about a guy who attacked almost the entire McMahon family and then blamed it on IED - classic heel.
Enzo and Cass - “SAWFT is a Sin”
Aside from The New Day, Enzo and Cass are arguably the most entertaining and charismatic tag team in recent years. The two tough-as-nails New Yorkers, Enzo in particular, have risen to fame due to their unlimited energy and knack for catchphrases, the best of which comes right after their entrance. Within the first seconds of the music bursting through the stadium, the crowd in attendance and everyone watching at home get "lit" (sorry for the slang, but that's the best way to describe the atmosphere). The song only cements that these two are the "realest guys in the room."
10. Chris Benoit - "Whatever"
Putting aside the tragedy of the Benoit family, Chris Benoit was a master wrestling technician and arguably the greatest submission specialist in WWE history. He earned the nickname of the "Rabid Wolverine" from his fierce attitude in the ring. His entrance song only further added to the ferocity of his character. The opening guitar riff was simple, yet powerful letting Benoit's opponets know they were gonna be in the match of their life.
9. Eddie Guerrero - “I Lie, I Cheat, I Steal”
Eddie Guerrero was another great wrestler taken from us way too soon. But during his time in the WWE,"Latino Heat" was not only a great wrestler, but he also had amazing charisma like no on else. His entrance music told you all you needed to know about him: he lied, he cheated and he stole! He was cool and did exactly what he wanted when he wanted. Plus, he would come to ring in a sweet low rider! It's hard to beat that! ¡Viva la raza!
8. Vince McMahon - "No Chance in Hell"
Vince McMahon is the head of the WWE, a millionaire, and probably the worst boss in the world. He's known for screaming "You're Fired"at people, having affairs with several of the divas, humiliating and having personal vendettas against wrestlers and that includes the "Kiss My A**" Club." So yeah, if you're working for this guy, you definitely have "No chance in hell." But man is it fun to see him in power walk mode!
7. D-Generation X - "Break it Down"
DX will forever go down as one of the most polarizing stables to have ever wrestled in a WWE ring. During the Attitude Era and even afterwards, DX was known for pushing the boundaries of not only the WWE, but also cable television. They gave the world the crotch crop, constantly used banned four letter words, made sexual jokes and innuendos, and terrorized those in authority. The DX band's "Break it Down" was the anthem for not only the rebellious group, but for the era that put professional wrestling on the map.
6. Triple H - "The Game"
Triple H has earned the nickname of "The Game" so it's no surprise that he walks down to the ring to this rock anthem by Motorhead. Again this is a situation where the lyrics truly match the wrestler: "I am the game, you don't want to play me \ I am control, no way you can change me \ I am heavy debt, no way you can pay me \ I am the pain and I know you can't take me." Pretty much sums up why he's a 14-time champion.
5. CM Punk - "Cult of Personality"
CM Punk sort of became the major anti-hero of the WWE in the modern era. Like another "Stone Cold" Steve Austin if you will. The Straight Edge Superstar called himself "the best of the world" and always backed it up in the ring. After his infamous pipe bomb in 2011, he truly embodied the essence that the rock band Living Colour sung about.
4. Chris Jericho - "Break Down the Walls"
Chris Jericho made his WWE debut in August of 1999. Playing off the hysteria surrounding Y2K, he gave himself the moniker of "Y2J" an had a countdown for his arrival. 17 years later, that countdown is as unmistakable as his catchphrases. With six world championships, nine Intercontinental championship and seven world tag team title reigns, the "Ayatollah of Rock n' Rolla" has been "breaking down the wall" ever since.
3. Shawn Michaels - "Sexy Boy"
Having an entrance song entitled "Sexy Boy" definitely means you got a bit of an ego. But hey we are talking about the legend that is Shawn Michaels. Written by “The Mouth of the South” Jimmy Hart and WWE composer Jim Johnston, HBK's theme is almost as exciting as getting to watch "The Showstopper" work his magic in the ring. When he first introduced the wrestling world to the song, the lyrics were originally sung by HBK’s one-time manager, “Sensational” Sherri Martel. Soon after, Shawn himself would sing the song, only adding to it's greatness.
2. Stone Cold Steve Austin - "Hell Frozen Over"
You hear glass shatter and you know what's coming next! "The Texas Rattle" has a simple, yet iconic entrance theme. No words are needed as you watch him come down to the ring to give the crowd the middle finger salute, give some poor sucker a Stone Cold Stunner, and down a couple of cold ones.
1. The Undertaker - "Graveyard Symphony"
The only wrestler with a more iconic entrance theme than Stone Cold is The Undertaker. You hear the gong. The lights go out. The arena is then suddenly filled with a morbid tune and the ramp leading to the ring is covered in an erie fog. For 25 years, The Deadman has wreaked havoc in the WWE and it all starts with that iconic entrance. It's iconic that Donald Trump made a similar entrance at the Republican National Convention. Nice try Trump, but The Undertaker does it so much better!
So that's my list of the top 10 entrance themes in WWE. Don't forget to comment what you think below. And I'll see you next time when the bell rings...