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The Undertaker by the Numbers

Hey everyone, this week I'm doing things a little different for this week's blog post. The WWE Universe is buzzing with news that not only Edge, but The Undertaker will be returning for SmackDown Live's historic 900th episode. More than likely, his return will likely be the first step in establishing who his opponent will be for WrestleMania 33. Though nothing has been confirmed, rumors are going around that WWE has already chosen the opponent and it appears that WWE is planning booking this match as his retirement match.

The Deadman has been a staple in WWE for almost 26 years and since then has built a legendary career and gained an unbelievable amount of respect from the men and women of the locker room. So in honor of his return and possible retirement next year, I give you, The Undertaker by the numbers:

If indeed WrestleMania 33 will be his last match, being chosen by the WWE to end it is a huge deal. It's gonna require a superstar with a lot of star power. Who do you think will be his last opponent?

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